Auto Loot
Auto loot - Golds only
Auto loot type 1 -ores/crystals/stone + Golds
Auto loot type 2 - Expendable + Golds (Expendable = Anything that can be right click like Slates and etc..)
Auto loot type 3 - Knight items + Golds
Auto loot type 4 - Necro items + Golds
Auto loot type 5 - Micko items + Golds
Auto loot type 6 - Sorc items + Golds
Auto loot type 7 - Assassin items + Golds
Auto loot type 8 - Cleric items + Golds
Auto loot type 9 - Weapon + Golds
auto loot type 2
Auto loot type 2
Auto loot type 2
Auto loot type 2